ASCII relay mode was decommissioned December 13, 2024. TTY relay service is continuing. For information about alternative equipment or services call TRS customer service at 800-676-3777 or email
List of Relay North Dakota Toll-free Phone Numbers
Click here if 711 is not working
TTY:711 or 800.366.6888
Voice: 711 or 800.366.6889
Voice Carry-Over:711 or 877.366.8600
Hearing Carry-Over:711 or 800.366.6888
Speech-to-Speech:711 or 877.366.3709
Speech-to-Speech VCO: 711 or 877 366 8260
Spanish Relay:711 or 800.435.8590
What if 711 Is Not Working?
You may have a PBX system issue. People who use phones in an office that has extension numbers may experience difficulty as a result of 711 not being programmed in the building’s PBX system. To request the availability of 711 service in your building, contact your IT specialist, office administrator, or local telephone service provider. 711 dialing was mandated by the FCC on October 1, 2001. If you have difficulty dialing 711, please click here and let us know and we will attempt to help get the issue resolved.